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A Warm Welcome 

Welcome to Build a Better Life For You, where we provide a friendly and supportive environment for anyone looking to improve and transform their life. Our holistic life coaching approach will help you identify your strengths, values, and goals while providing the necessary tools and resources to achieve them. With our guidance, you can learn to overcome any obstacle and build the life of your dreams.






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Our Services

Business Logo For Build a Better Life for You

Holistic Life Coaching

Holistic Life Coaching takes a big picture approach to helping people make positive changes so they can achieve their goals. Ultimately the goal is lasting transformation that allows continuing growth towards the clients full potential. The personalized support can be invaluable for improving your well being.

Guided Meditation

Meditation is the practice of quieting the mind and focusing the thoughts. It cultivates awareness and presence by directing attention inward. Research shows meditation can reduce stress, improves focus and memory, lower blood pressure, help manage pain or illness, promote emotional health, and essentially rewire the brain to create positive change.

Forest Bathing

Immerse yourself in nature with Forest Bathing.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the busyness of everyday life? Tell me do you long to escape the concrete jungles and reconnect with nature? Forest bathing, also known as Shinrin - Yoku, may be the answer you are looking for a chance to reconnect with your roots.  Forest bathing activities are adaptable for all ages and abilities. Sessions are tailored to meet specific needs. You'll emerge feeling refreshed, restored, and more deeply connected not just with nature, but with your true self.

Fears and Phobias

Conquer your fears and phobias with the help of Build a Better Life for You our coaching sessions are designed to help you to understand the root of your fears and develop effective ways to overcome them. 

Vision Boards and Journaling 

Unleash your creativity and manifest your dreams by learning to use vision boards and journaling to help you focus and organise your ideas. Our program is designed to give you the skills and knowledge to effectively use these methods for a more driven life going forward

Confidence Building

Dive deep into understanding what confidence means to you and envision what life could be like when you're motivated and self assured. Unlock your inner strength and take charge of your life with our confidence boosting program.

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